Building Better Habits: Adding Variety To Your Diet

How healthy are your habits?  Do you wish you could add more healthy habits to your life, but have no idea where to begin? 

We can help you!  We’ve created a “Building Better Habits” 5-day challenge where we will look at ways to add healthier habits to improve your health. 

Today, let’s focus on how to increase our dietary variety and nutrient diversity.  If you pack your lunch for work or if you’re a mom and you pack lunches for your kids, you might tend to pack the same things day after day.  Many of us, even if we eat on the cleaner side, might think it is okay to eat the same things all the time.  The truth is, a monotonous diet or a diet that depends on staple foods limits the number of nutrients you get, which could potentially lead to micronutrient and vitamin deficiencies.  It can also increase the accumulation of naturally occurring toxins. If we are diversifying our diet, while we will still be exposed to naturally occurring toxins or chemicals, we will also be diversifying those as well.

Since many vitamins and minerals can be found in vegetables, adding a variety of them to your diet can be very beneficial.  One group of unusual vegetables that we like to recommend is Brassica.  This vegetable is in the cabbage and mustard family and offers many health benefits.  A simple Google search will turn up various recipes for you to try. 

Other vegetables that are in the Brassica family and are great for hormone and metabolism support include broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, and broccoli rob.  These vegetables influence how the body breaks down estrogen and helps it do it in a healthier way.

Variety doesn’t have to be limited to just vegetables, if you normally eat one type of meat, try making venison or bison.  If you normally buy honey crisp apples, change it up and buy fuji.  Making simple changes can break the monotony of your usual diet, expand your palette, and benefit your health. 

We encourage you to add more variety to your diet.  The next time you make a trip to the grocery store, try adding different items to your cart.  Experiment with new recipes and enjoy creating new meal options. 

If you would like to learn more about how we can help you optimize your health, schedule a free call with us today -  We’re excited to work with you!

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